YSS President Reports
Bi-Annual reports of the activities
Presidents Bi-Annual Report July 2022
The Youth Seva Sangham contributions to the Hindu Community Center (HCC) for 2022 1H, are as follows:
1. Served as technology experts to the HCC board. Built out the HCC social presence and online brand!
2. Organized events to bring the community together safely outdoors!
3. Built awareness of the newly founded Hindu Community Center and helped with fundraising events!
4. Promoted and recruited volunteers for HCC and YSS to help build our community!

Presidents Bi-Annual Report Dec 2022
The Youth Seva Sangham contributions to the Hindu Community Center (HCC) for 2022 2H, are as follows:
1. Served as technology experts to the HCC website. Built out the HCC social presence and online brand!
2. Approved Troop 682 to create seating benches and shoe racks
3. Help establish 3 new classes which focus on teaching Hindu culture